Tuesday, March 27, 2012

9 months old

Okay, this time I actually CAN believe Legend is another month old for a few reasons... one being that the month of March has gone by SO slow to me (possibly because I am SO looking forward to Spring Break), and because the little guy has made so many huge mile markers!  He is picking up on things so quickly!
Here are a few of the things I wrote down that he's done this month...

-You are constantly trying to stand up.  You pull yourself up on things (although you don't always make it in to a complete stand if you don't have a bar to hold on to).
-At the beginning of this month you couldn't quite figure out how to sit up after rolling around the floor everywhere and it would make you so frustrated, but by the end it just clicked and now I can't keep you still!
- You are getting around all over the place.  You aren't quite crawling but you are SO close. It's not stopping you from getting where you want though; you will find any way to get around.  Some of the time you roll, some of the time you scoot on your bum, and lately you have been laying on your back and kicking your feet to push yourself backwards! You are getting up on your knees and you can move them once or twice, but usually one of your feet will get in the way and you'll end up back in a sitting position.

- You are officially getting in to EVERYTHING!! You love to roll over to the book shelf where I keep all my piano music and pull everything out and apart.  You also love to get in to all the dvd's and cd's on the shelves. We've had to hide the wires around the TV as best as we could because you love to try to chew on them.

-You are getting so many teeth! You now have two on top and two on bottom, and they make you look so old!

-You've figured out how to open and close your hand in a waving motion, although you haven't quite figured out what to use it for. You usually do it if you want something or if you're just being silly.
-You are becoming so coordinated and can pick up little puff treats or pieces of food and get them to your mouth. At first you couldn't figure out how to let go but it didn't take long to get it down. You love your food!
-You will eat anything and everything that dad and I put in your mouth. The only thing I have ever seen you spit out or gag on was peas in a jar of baby food.... and I didn't blame you!
-You are sitting, and laying and rolling all around the bath tub and I just can't keep you still for a second. You love to play on your belly and lean over to try to drink the bath water!

- You always sleep on your side or your belly and end up with your legs sticking out between the slats in the crib.  I have tried a few times to take your blanket after you've fallen asleep, worried you might get tangled up in it, but it never fails that you wake up about an hour later wanting it back.

-You figured out how to suck through a straw and love to drink out of our drinks when we go to restaurants (You are only allowed to have water!)
-You have a new dog again and it doesn't even phase you when he knocks you over or comes right up in to your face. You seem to love all dogs (especially big dogs) and always try to grab is fur.
-You love to play peek a boo
-You've become a tiny bit shy and will sometimes hide you head on my shoulder if someone says hi, but you warm up quickly. If we are at the store and you're sitting in the cart you attract SO much attention and you seem to know you'll get a reaction if you flash those dimples and smile at all the ladies!
-You have enjoyed the warmer weather we're starting to have and love to sit in the grass. The problem is I can't seem to keep you from putting grass, leaves, dirt and sticks in your mouth!

-You are growing so fast I can't keep up with you! You wear size 18 clothes (even your 12 mo clothes are getting too small) and you are eating us out of house and home!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

the ultimate disguise...

So, I like to think of myself as pretty fashion forward, and I'm usually pretty good with keeping an open mind when it comes to new trends.  I often find myself jumping on board with trends that people say, "Oh I could never pull that off...!" Or things that are a bit risky like chopping straight bangs or wearing big glasses when they are first coming in style.  When I can find the trend for cheap I'm usually pretty good at being able to say I wore it first or I had it before it was huge, (I like to think at least, I'm kind of tooting my own horn right now I guess), but today I saw a link to a jewelry website on a blog of one of my high school friends.  This girl was a dancer, pretty popular, very outgoing and always pretty fashion forward, but there was something on this website that made me literally laugh out loud. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE what I saw, but I really don'g think I could ever wear this, while keeping a straight face.   Can you imagine wearing your sunglasses to the fourth of july parade in kaysville, with a chained mustache attached?  Or just chillin, driving in your car with an Osama Beard on your face? ha ha.  Here's a look, just for fun.  I might have to invest in one of these just for the kicks, but even if they really do become a huge trend someday, I don't know if I'd seriously be on board with this one.  It's a bit too funny for me!  But HEY!  If I ever become famous and I need a disguise to avoid the paparazzi, I bet these would really help! They wouldn't attract ANY attention and I'd be sure to avoid any media attention from magazines.

The Officer


The Biker
The Criminal

Have fun with those!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wish I were in dream land

I have never understood how people could have insomnia. Well, let me take that back, I understand how, obviously it isn't a choice, it just happens... I just couldn't imagine it.

Until the day my husband sold my dog.  I am so miserably sad that I can't sleep, and that is saying something. I can ALWAYS sleep.  I can always go to bed early, I literally look forward to bed time during the evenings, I can always take a nap, and you know how pregnant women often say towards the end of their pregnancies they just can't seem to fall asleep and they can't get comfortable? Ya... never had that problem.  I CAN be a night owl, but most often than not I just LOVE my sleep.  Even when I was pregnant and very uncomfortable, I could always find a good enough position to sleep, and during the day I can always take a snooze.  It's lovely. But not right now.  It is 3 am and I just can't fall back to sleep.  Initially I went to bed at 11 and fell asleep pretty easily, but then Brian came home from playing basketball and woke me up and now I can't get back to my dream land.  I just keep thinking of Mumford and how I am just sick with worry.  I think more than anything I am just mad.  You know when you have a really scary dream, and at the point in the dream that you realize you can't move or run, or you see the dead body or scary face or whatever, and you get those hot tingles all over your arms, your chest and your face?  I keep getting that, only I'm awake and I'm not having a nightmare. It's reality that is doing it to me!   (this is us tonight....)
I knew that we had to sell Mumford for the better for us all.  Brian and I have been having allergies, he's outside a lot, he is SO hard to bathe and keep clean and I just CAN'T keep up with his shedding AND keeping the house clean. But I am SO mad.  Brian promised me that we would let as many families as possible come and meet Mumford (we had about 25 people call about him), then the first guy who comes, BAM! Brian is pushing and pushing me to sell him to him... and for $100 less than we were asking! What the...
This guy is a very nice, LDS guy, but he is literally everything I DIDN'T want for Mumford; Which is why I am the most upset.  I wanted a family, lots of kids, close to Kaysville if possible, a stay at home mom that could be there with him most of the day, a fenced in yard for him to play in, and someone with experience with newfies so that he would have a slim chance of being sold again.  I wanted someone who knew what they were getting in to.  INSTEAD we got a single bachelor who shares a house with 3 roommates.  He has no fenced yard so I'm worried Mumford will be tied up while he's gone, (he has to work a job, right?) duh.  He's very active but I worry he thinks Mumford will be like a lab and just have never ending energy, which he won't.  He gets tired just walking the neighborhood, and he's only five months old!  This guy has no kids, not married, and what happens if he meets a girl, falls madly in love and she says, "It's me or the dog..." ??  What if he finds out he is allergic or has no idea what he's doing?  Not only does he have zero experience with newfoundlands, he has NO experience with dogs that I could tell. Period.  Brian kept saying he felt good about this, he is a great guy, but he just kept pushing and pushing every time I said I wasn't sure and now I just feel so sick to my stomach.  Even as I'm writing this I am getting those hot, nightmare tinglies up my arms and neck.  I should have put my foot down but sometimes I can be a push over I guess.
So, alas, here I am.  It is 3:15 in the morning, my eyes are tired but my brain won't shut off and I'm afraid it's going to be a while before it does.
I am very upset and frustrated. I NEVER berate my husband like this but that's just how mad I am right now. And he has no clue. I don't feel like he's even being very sensitive to the fact that I am just plain upset anyway because Mumford was my companion.  He doesn't understand what it's like for me to be home alone every evening.  Even if I keep myself busy, it just gets plain old lonely. There's not many options when you have a baby in bed by 7 to go anywhere and visit people, so that's where Mumford came in. It was nice to just have another living breathing thing around.  I'm not looking forward to having Brian go to work tomorrow. It's going to suck. period. I think Brian just never really attached to Mumford because he wouldn't PLAY with him due to his shedding, so he was just ready to give him to the first guy that showed him enough money, so he wouldn't have to worry about feeding him when I'm at work.  He didn't see his personality the way I did because mumford would spend the mornings outside while Brian was home, but inside with me when I was home.  He was the most amazing and well behaved puppy I've ever seen.  So mellow and so sweet with Legend.  I will miss him.
I am sad.

Monday, March 5, 2012

8 months

Time to catch up on the monthly post again already! Here goes...
This month, Legend, you have really become confident in your sitting and in the tub you scoot your little bum all around and give your mother a heart attack because you always slip!

You always try (and succeed) at pulling yourself into a standing position on the bars in the tub.  The first time you did it your arms were shaking and you really had to focus, but once you did it something clicked and you could just pull yourself right up in to a standing position! You also try to pull yourself up with chairs and other things, but haven't been as successful.

You have found out that you can "click" your tongue and you do it all the time! It is so funny when you start doing it because if we do it back to you, you get all excited and you do it even more.  It's like a little language for you! So funny!

You have discovered how to spit with your tongue and you do it all the time! Luckily you don't do it too much while you're eating, but when you are bored you stick out your tongue and either just leave it out, (it's like you just realized you HAVE a tongue), or start spitting.  Both activities leave your shirt completely soaked.

This month you got a helmet to shape your flat head and you are doing well with it. At first it made you a little frustrated and you didn't like having it put on or taken off, but you seem to be used to it now.

One day while at grandma's house you just figured out how to roll from your back to your tummy! You could always do it the other way but couldn't get all the way over on to your belly. Once it clicked you just started rolling all over the place in every direction!  You scoot in circles a little bit as well but mostly you just roll, and now that you know you can get anywhere you want, you don't want to be held or cuddled; you just want to be on the floor getting in to things!!

We are working on you putting yourself to sleep and you have been doing pretty good! If you are really tired and you've had your bottle, I can usually lay you down and you'll eventually "sing" or talk yourself to sleep. It's a little harder with nap times but we're getting there.  If we're not at home, however, you REFUSE to miss out on a party. You are so stubborn that way and you won't let yourself just fall asleep.

You are starting to grow out of all your 12 month sized clothes, and fitting in to 18 mo sizes.... you just grow so fast I can't keep up! It seriously feels like I am constantly buying new clothes.

You can be VERY stubborn sometimes... Dad says you get that from me, but HE can be just as stubborn.  We love you OH so much!

(week 32 on grandma's camera)

 This is Legend's favorite toy now; he LOVES to watch the balls pop around and to hold them in his hands!

Any time Legend is playing on the floor, Mumford is RIGHT by his side. They love each other so much! I had to put this picture on here because it was so dang cute and is pretty much the story these days; Legend just holds on to Mumford's large supply of hair, often PULLING, but Mumford never seems to mind. He just takes it!

34 weeks on Feb 14.  Happy Valentine's Day!

 He kept rubbing off my marker on this picture but I loved his facial expression. (He has so many!)