Here are a few of the things I wrote down that he's done this month...
-You are constantly trying to stand up. You pull yourself up on things (although you don't always make it in to a complete stand if you don't have a bar to hold on to).
-At the beginning of this month you couldn't quite figure out how to sit up after rolling around the floor everywhere and it would make you so frustrated, but by the end it just clicked and now I can't keep you still!
- You are getting around all over the place. You aren't quite crawling but you are SO close. It's not stopping you from getting where you want though; you will find any way to get around. Some of the time you roll, some of the time you scoot on your bum, and lately you have been laying on your back and kicking your feet to push yourself backwards! You are getting up on your knees and you can move them once or twice, but usually one of your feet will get in the way and you'll end up back in a sitting position.
- You are officially getting in to EVERYTHING!! You love to roll over to the book shelf where I keep all my piano music and pull everything out and apart. You also love to get in to all the dvd's and cd's on the shelves. We've had to hide the wires around the TV as best as we could because you love to try to chew on them.
-You are getting so many teeth! You now have two on top and two on bottom, and they make you look so old!
-You've figured out how to open and close your hand in a waving motion, although you haven't quite figured out what to use it for. You usually do it if you want something or if you're just being silly.
-You are becoming so coordinated and can pick up little puff treats or pieces of food and get them to your mouth. At first you couldn't figure out how to let go but it didn't take long to get it down. You love your food!
-You will eat anything and everything that dad and I put in your mouth. The only thing I have ever seen you spit out or gag on was peas in a jar of baby food.... and I didn't blame you!
-You are sitting, and laying and rolling all around the bath tub and I just can't keep you still for a second. You love to play on your belly and lean over to try to drink the bath water!
- You always sleep on your side or your belly and end up with your legs sticking out between the slats in the crib. I have tried a few times to take your blanket after you've fallen asleep, worried you might get tangled up in it, but it never fails that you wake up about an hour later wanting it back.
-You figured out how to suck through a straw and love to drink out of our drinks when we go to restaurants (You are only allowed to have water!)
-You have a new dog again and it doesn't even phase you when he knocks you over or comes right up in to your face. You seem to love all dogs (especially big dogs) and always try to grab is fur.
-You love to play peek a boo
-You've become a tiny bit shy and will sometimes hide you head on my shoulder if someone says hi, but you warm up quickly. If we are at the store and you're sitting in the cart you attract SO much attention and you seem to know you'll get a reaction if you flash those dimples and smile at all the ladies!
-You have enjoyed the warmer weather we're starting to have and love to sit in the grass. The problem is I can't seem to keep you from putting grass, leaves, dirt and sticks in your mouth!
-You are growing so fast I can't keep up with you! You wear size 18 clothes (even your 12 mo clothes are getting too small) and you are eating us out of house and home!