Friday, December 30, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

This is the first year I actually had ROOM for a FULL SIZE Christmas tree!  Brian and I bought one after Christmas for really cheap about 2 years ago but have never really had room for it.  I have to say, I didn't put up many decorations because I ran out of time and just didn't really mind, but I LOVED having a tree.  At first I would turn on the lights when it would get dark then turn it off before bed, but pretty soon it was on 24/7.  Something about it just made me so happy.  Brian and I had fun decorating it all crazy with some funky decorations we bough after Christmas one year from Target.  We couldn't decide between putting a star or an angel on top because we both grew up with different traditions, so we settled for a cool exploding star-type thingy.  It was so fun and it has really helped it feel like Christmas around here, so it didn't sneak up on me too fast this year.
The manger my mom gave me and adds a piece to every year
My grandma's old tree with the mult-colored lights, which just added to the chaos of the decorations!

This one you can actually see the tree topper we're putting up...

Izzy just hangin out with us and walking all over everything
Such a pretty dog; he sits so proudly!
tree topper

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