Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall Catch Up

Well, now that there is officially snow on the ground (and a good amount), I guess I'd better catch up and update the pictures we've taken this fall.

Although I'd have to say that summer is my favorite season because of the laid-back feeling of it, I would definitely say that fall is a close second.  I love the cool weather after a HOT August.  I love the smells, the foods, the sweaters and the colors.  I love Halloween and the excitement of the upcoming holidays and everything else that comes along with fall.  I just have to say that I wish it didn't lead to winter.  At least not a Utah winter.  "but what about skiing??"  seems to always be the next question I get after I make that statement.  Point made. I love skiing... but even then I'm a wimp.  If I'm planning a trip up the mountains I will watch the weather for days to make sure it's going to be a clear, sunny day.  If it is supposed to snow, the no way. It is miserable for me.  I just hate being that cold.  Already I feel like I get home from work just cold to my bones and have a hard time getting warm again.  Most nights I've been sleeping with a heating pad just because I get chilly so easily!

Anyway, I love the fall and really wanted to do some fun things with the family this year, so I made sure that we made time to do them all.  Towards to the end of summer/beginning of fall we went to the State Fair and had a great time showing Legend the animals and watching the rodeo.  Then in October we went to a corn maze with some friends, took Legend to Black Island Farms, picked out pumpkins, and although we didn't have any kind of neighbor/friend party like I always want to,  we had fun at Nana's annual party, got dressed up and even went trick-or-treating!


looking at the animals...

They had a really cute kid's area where they could pretend to farm.  Legend was a little young for it but he still had a blast walking through everything

 his bucket and apron for picking fruit and vegetables...

Watching the rodeo!  I couldn't believe how long he lasted.  He really liked the "horsies" and that old lady next to him.  She became his best friend during the show...
Me and Legend at the top of the big yellow slide!


Legend loved the pumpkins (pumpee he would say)

 I tried to get Brian in the picture but he didn't want to ask someone to take it for us...
 Legend loves to walk by himself now. It's great for my back, but he tends to wander around a lot...
 Legend loves the "sides" 

 daddy's turn!
 just like his mamma!!
 cute little train ride around the corn fields..

 We got laughing so hard because Brian couldn't fit in the car!!
 Legend wasn't sure about it until we got going, then he loved it!

 picking out our pumpkins to take home

Nana and Papa Pearce have a fun new tradition to do a Halloween party the Sunday before.  We all dressed up and had dinner, pumpkin carving and minute to win it games! Thanks Nana for all the planning!!

 While we were in Arizona, Joelle showed us a picture of a boy dressed as the grandpa from "UP". We thought it was way cute, but thought it would be even better if we dressed up as ALL the characters!  So, Legend is the grandpa, Brian is the boy scout, I am Kevin the bird, and the puppy (which you can't really see since he's hiding) was Doug the dog!

The rest of the family...

Cowboys/girl and an Indian baby

Pokemon catcher.. (name has left my mind)
 Vampiress...es...? (Makenna kept saying she wasn't a vampire, she was a vampirESS)
 Hard core bikers
 and a super SUPER senior. ha ha. very clever.

I didn't get a picture, but later in the evening dad put on his old Domino's uniform, and mom wore a pizza costume.   I also thought that was very clever and funny!

Then on the actual night of Halloween we got Legend dressed up in a warm Zebra costume (for simplicity and comfort) packed him in the stroller and took him around our neighborhood.  We happened to leave at the same time as our neighbors, the Zeh's, so we joined them for a little while until Graci and Makenna were ready to go.  Legend caught on quick that people were giving out TREATS and even said "trick or treat!" (or mikmomeet!) something like that.  He would get MAD if they tried to put the treat in his bucket, he thought they needed to feed it to him right then and there! It was so funny watching him catch on to what was going on.  At one house there were a bunch of kids at the door and Legend wanted to walk himself.  I told him, "go get a treat!" He looked at me with big round eyes, balled up his fists, and PUSHED his way up to the door! Through kids that were at least 8 and 9 years old!! Funny kid.  It was really fun to take him trick or treating. We met up at my parent's house and went with my sisters, dad and Trevor, Sherstin and Carter. We had a blast together!!

Ledge thought he was SO funny and kept pushing that pumpkin and watching it roll....
 Until mommy told him NO MORE...
 And broke his little Zebra heart... :(

 So we gave him some candy and he was fine again :)

 Our cute neighbor Princesses Libby and Shaoli

 ALL the trick or treat-ers.


 We love Uncle Trevor

 "You've got something on your nose..."

We had a fun fall and can't wait for all the holiday!  I sure hope the rest of winter will go by fast though!

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