Saturday, June 19, 2010

Surgery time...twice!

Well I had my surgery finally and let's just say... MISERY!
Everything went well but it is just a whole lot of pain and I can't wait for the next three weeks to pass and be done with.  The doctor said everything went well but I had a very scary experience when I woke up early Friday morning at 4 am to take some lortab.  I noticed something draining down my throat really fast and I thought that was strange.  Normally I have a lot of bloody mucous draining down my throat from my nose surgery but this was different.  I tried swallowing my pill to see if the water would help clear it but instantly felt sick.  I picked up the designated "throw up bowl" that was next to me and spit, and from the light of my cell phone I could see that it was really dark and wet.. too wet to be mucous. I spit again and suddenly more and more drops started falling from my mouth. I was stunned! I felt my nose to see if it had bled through the wrappings and started coming through my mouth but it was dry and the longer I kept my head down the faster it was dripping. I really started to get worried so I laid my hand on Brian's knee and he woke up with a start and asked if I was okay.  I think I said... "Um... yes unless blood spilling from my mouth is abnormal.." Brian jumped up and flipped on the light and I was right, it was blood! At this point in was spilling from my mouth in bursts like it does in the movies when someone's arm is cut off, you know how it will spray and kind of gush off and on? Ya that was coming out of my mouth!  I stood up with the bowl and walked into the bathroom while Brian called my mom to see what he should do. I couldn't see anything wrong but of course my mouth was full of blood but I could tell now that it was definitely coming from my throat and not my nose. Brian came in and said he was taking me to the ER. I was trying to wipe my face and fingers off with some wet wipes but at this point I was getting really scared because the popcorn bowl was about an inch deep of blood; it was coming fast.  I said okay and started walking when I remembered the story my mom tells of when my sister was born.  She was having complications and was losing blood quick, my dad gave her a blessing and asked the bleeding to stop until they got to the hospital and it did. This story just flashed quickly in my mind so I said a prayer as we were walking out the door. It was like I told my Heavenly Father that I KNEW he had helped my mom and I knew he could help me, so to please stop the bleeding until I was with a doctor. As soon as we were outside and up the stairs Brian asked how if I was okay and I noticed the bleeding had stopped. That was at least somewhat of a relief. We got on the freeway and Brian rushed me to the ER.  About half way there though, I knew I was going to be sick.  I'd had a TON of blood drain into my stomach and it was not happy... I threw up twice and couldn't believe the amount of blood that came out of my mouth! At this point the bowl was literally half full (and it was a big popcorn bowl) and I had blood all over me. I felt so sick!  We got to the ER and I walked in the front door and kind of laughed to myself at the unprofessional appearance the nurse let slip through when she saw me and said, "holy cow!' and when Brian said, "uh.. we need help..?" she was like, "uh ya no kidding! um.... LINDA?!?! " ha ha. I could tell she didn't see too much action in Davis County.  They sat me down and couldn't get over how much blood I had lost.  Hooked me up to IV's, gave me some pain meds and washed off my hands and face while someone called my doctor. By the time he arrived I was pretty relaxed and ready to just get whatever was next over with.  He told me the stitches had torn and that it was very unusual but not impossible or unheard of and that my two options were to leave it and hope it stayed closed and didn't bleed more, or go back into surgery and sew it back up again.  Of course I chose to sew it back up again but I was a little sad. I was FINALLY feeling a little better the day before and was able to eat some really soft foods and now this. When I was out of surgery and had woken up I just wanted to get home, so as soon as they gave me the okay Brian wheeled me out of the hospital and took me out, but now I am in pain ALL over again. It's almost worst because my throat was already raw and sore and then he had to re-burn it and seal it up. Boo! It is killin me but I am a survivor.
Brian says hello.
I am just ready for the next couple weeks to be over!  

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