Monday, October 24, 2011

family is forever

This picture is a little blurry, but I had to post it; it is just so sweet.  Graci and Makenna are such amazing aunties to Legend.  Graci is constantly making noises and pulling faces and entertaining legend when he comes over;  She can always make him smile!  Makenna is my little helper.  She loves to hold Legend, feed him, entertain him and is always willing to jump up and grab his burp cloth or find me a diaper if I need one.  These two are so loving and in turn will have so much love from their nephew and future nieces and nephews! I can't wait to see them teach Legend to run, jump on the trampoline, do cart wheels and throw toys all over the living room. It's crazy to think that when he is starting Kindergarten, they will both still be in Elementary!  Hopefully we still live close by so that they can watch out for him and hold his hand on the way out.  I sure love these girls and I am so grateful they are my sisters for eternity!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

YAY for cousins!

Last night we found out some very exciting news!  WE had some of the cousins over at our place for a game night.  Towards the end of the night Trevor and Sherstin were chatting with Brian and I about what our plans for the weekend were and such when Trevor asked if I could do him a favor. I said sure and asked what it was.  He pulled out a white onesie and I was expecting him to ask me if I could sew something on it for a friend or something.  I was about to ask who was pregnant when I turned the onesie around and saw that it said, "Big Cuz!"  I looked at Trevor and said, "ARE YOU GUYS PREGNANT?!" and sure enough their answer was YES! I am SO excited for them.  Brian and I have been talking about this a lot lately and hoping that they would decide to get pregnant soon so that Legend could have cousins close to him on both sides.  I don't care if they have a boy or a girl because cousins are cousins, but I am secretly leaning towards them having a boy so Legend has a sleep over buddy and everything.  Ok so it's probably not so secret that I want them to have a boy. Bad news is that their doctor already said he suspects it's a girl because of the advanced brain development.  Either way, I am so happy for them and I can't wait to see what this little bean looks like!  So today, Brian and I put Legend in his new onesie and covered it up with a Michael Jordan track suit and met Trevor and Sherstin over at mom and dad's.  I told Trevor that Legend was probably hot and that he should take off his jacket... *wink wink... ha ha.  He did and he held him facing out to see how long it would take someone in the family to notice what it said.  It didn't take too long but it was pretty funny waiting because my mom was in the middle of painting the living room and a bit preoccupied. We were all standing around chatting and Trevor kept straightening the shirt waiting for mom to notice. Finally she looked closer and said, "what does that second word say?" then when Trevor straightened it again she said, "I KNEW IT! Dad, read his shirt!" Then dad did and said, "OH! I saw it earlier but that is said BIG CUSS.... I thought it was a little rude." ha ha.  Funny family.  All in all, everyone is excited for them (of course) and I can't wait for this baby to get here. I am so happy Legend won't have to be the older cousin with no one his age to play with.  Sherstin is due May 23rd, so they will only be 11 months apart! I wish they would be in the same grade but there's always a chance that they will go to the same high school if we all end up back in Kaysville. We'll see.
Congratulations Trevor and Sherstin!
The diversion outfit....

Friday, October 21, 2011

Four months

This last month definitely went by so fast! This week has been hard for me to adjust to saying "four months" when people ask me how old he is.  I feel like I just got used to saying three!

Legend, month three has had some new milestones for you.  This month....
You have started getting so strong and you love to stand up "on your own"
You are eating 7-9 ounces consistently! 
You figured out how to kick your feet and jump in your bouncer and you LOVE it! You always concentrate so hard while you are doing it, then you will pause and smile.
You have started to giggle more and more but it is still some effort to get those giggles out of you! Most of the time you still just grunt.
You have started reaching for things and your hand eye coordination is improving. Towards the end of this month you were finally able to focus on a toy and reach out and grab it pretty quickly.
You love to lift your head up to see what's going on. As soon as you turned 3 months I would notice you doing this, especially if you are leaning back on the couch or sitting in your car seat. You don't want to miss a thing!
You are sleeping 11 hours most nights! (thanks to all the eating most likely.)
This isn't new but I thought I would add it; you love to sleep with your arms above your head (just like your mommy!) but it scares me because often times I will go check on you and you have pulled your blanket completely over your face! 
Your hair is filling in and it is darker in the front
You are drooling so much that the front of your onesies are constantly wet.
You still have to be constantly entertained and held
and you HATE tummy time!