Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Month 3!

Legend, you are THREE months old now! I can't believe it.  13 weeks has gone by since I delivered you. Time goes so fast!   You weighed in at a whopping 18 pounds when we weighed you this last week! My friend has a 9 month old baby who doesn't quite weigh 17 lbs yet... you are a big boy!

Here is what I have recorded about you this month:
- For most of this month 6 month size clothes fit you best, but by the end you were wearing 9-12 month sizes! What am I going to do about the wardrobe you are outgrowing so fast??
- This month you found your fist and you LOVE to suck on it. Sometimes I can't even get it out to put your binkie in or to feed you...
- Speaking of your binkie, you are DEFINITELY a binkie baby. At first we thought maybe you wouldn't be but once we tried the NUK brand, you were hooked. (maybe I will regret that later?) You don't use it all the time but it is helpful when you're getting hungry or tired and we just have to make you wait for a few minutes...
-You always eat at least 6 oz of formula but it isn't uncommon for you to eat between 8 and 10.  You always like to click your tongue after you eat like you are satisfied.
-You have also started sticking out your tongue. It is so cute because you do it when someone is talking to you, like you are trying to find the way to make words but just can't quite get it!
- You smile and coo very easily and love it when mom and dad sing to you.  You are especially smiley in the mornings!
- You are definitely a mommy's boy.  Sometimes you won't even eat for other people (including your dad who gets tired quickly and will give you to me.)  Sometimes dad will take his shift in the early morning (because mom is getting ready for work) and if he can't get you back to sleep he will give you to me, I'll wrap you up tight in my arms, rock you and sing to you and in a matter of minutes you are fast asleep.
- We are practicing "self soothing", where I put you in your crib when you are not fully asleep. Sometimes you will talk for a little while but then put yourself to sleep, and other times you get mad and cry until I pick you up and rock you to sleep.
-You kick and move your arms and legs, then get surprised every time you bump in to something!
- Your eyelashes are SO long and dark... (is it bad that I am a little jealous?)

- You seem to only like to sleep in your crib or in your car seat. You have a hard time taking naps and Grandma's but when you slept over night at Grammy's you did a good job at night; you just wouldn't take any naps!
-You figured out how to splash in the tub and sometimes I let you take 30-40 minute baths at night so you will wear yourself out. You get so in to your splashing and it's so non-stop that by the time we get your pj's on, eat and rock you fall asleep fast.
- You still have the most expressive face and your dad and I always get a kick out of it.  One of your most entertaining faces is when you life one eye brow. I'm pretty sure you can do it on both sides and it cracks us up because we can just see exactly what you're thinking right on your face. (plus it's something your mom does so that makes it even better!)

- You are almost giggling! You have had a few short, quick giggles that I don't think quite count since you haven't been consistent and it hasn't quite been a deep belly giggle that babies are known for.
- You are much more aware of what's around you and you always love to watch what's going on as well as make eye contact with anyone close to you until they make you smile.
- Sometimes you smile so big your eyes disappear, and other times you smile and turn your head away like you're shy. It's so cute!

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