Monday, September 12, 2011

SpLiSh SpLaSh He LOVES taking his bath!!

It is official... Legend discovered he could SPLASH in the tub tonight! Although it was a more wet and wild night for me, I couldn't help but want to leave him in the tub for ever just to watch the excitement on his little face!  It may seem silly but it was actually kind of a neat experience for me to see this simple thing "click" for him!  Lately when we take baths I have been moving his legs trying to get him to see that it could be fun to kick around in the tub, and although he would move a little I could tell he wasn't quite understanding the joy of splashing quite yet!  Now and then  he would kick a leg or move an arm on his own and his face would get this surprised expression like he wasn't quite sure what had just happened.  Then I would try to show him again and that was what we'd do over and over... but tonight, he did it all on his own.  It was a funny thing to watch him figure it out.  At first he was doing his normal, small splashes without much reaction and then all of the sudden, it clicked.  His face just lit up and it was like a whole new world of fun for him!  He started out just kicking a few times, then he'd stop and get excited, coo for a bit, then do it again.  After about five minutes though, he was going to town! It was so cute I actually made him get out of the tub for a minute so I could grab the camera.  He was SO upset that I pulled him out and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get him happy again and would just have to get him ready for bed. (I could tell he was already getting pretty hungry).  I put him back in the tub and let him cry for about 10 seconds and then it was like he remembered what he had been doing before, quit crying, started kicking again and those tears were history from there. He kept getting more and more intense with his kicking. I had his head laying on a towel at the far end of the tub (away from the drain) and pretty soon he had kicked his way to the opposite end and off the towel! He had so much gusto, I couldn't help but just laugh and smile watching him.  We ended up taking probably a 20-30 minute bath and I knew he was getting hungry and tired, but he didn't want to stop!
 I know the bigger he gets the more I will probably regret teaching him this trick but for now, I love it!
Can't believe how in love I am with this little guy!

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